Unlock the Power of Productive Meetings in 2025

Meetings are often the backbone of collaboration in companies. When done right, they can be drivers of success, but when done poorly, they are some of the biggest time wasters in an organization. Research shows that 70% of employees believe their job satisfaction would improve with fewer meetings, and 65% feel frequent meetings hurt their productivity.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Hiring Referrals

We hear it all the time, ‘It’s who you know’. When it comes to getting a job or hiring your next employee there seems to be nothing as powerful as a referral from a trusted source. Oftentimes, a referral is so influential it leads employers to overlook more qualified candidates in favour of the familiar ‘vetted’ choice.
It’s Not About Who You Know

It’s Not About Who You Know

In the business world, the adage “It’s who you know” often floats around when discussing career opportunities and hiring practices. While networking and connections undoubtedly play a significant role in the job market, they shouldn’t overshadow the true purpose of recruitment: Finding the best fit for the role.
What to do When Your Top Candidate Gets a Bad Reference

What to do When Your Top Candidate Gets a Bad Reference

While going through your first two candidates, they receive glowing recommendations from each of their three references. When you get to the final candidate, who also happens to be the favourite, and the one you can see adding the most value to the company. They receive two high-praise references and one negative one.