Job Safety


You can be confident that your recruiter will ensure you are prepared and properly equipped for your assignment. We work closely with our clients at all worksites to ensure clear communication about upholding health and safety regulations. If you are ever put into a position in which you feel the work is unsafe or asked to perform a dangerous task, please do not hesitate to refuse the work, this is your right. In this situation, please call our office at 403-508-1000 to discuss the situation immediately.

Alternatively, you can submit an anonymous concern online using this link: Anonymous Contact Form to get into contact with your Joint Health and Safety Representative. In the event of an injury please seek the medical attention/first aid immediately, please call About Staffing at 403-508-1000 when it is safe and reasonable to do so.

For more information on workplace safety, please visit the Occupational Health and Safety Act or to learn about preventing injuries at work visit Alberta Occupational Health and Safety.

If you would like to submit a concern or learn more about About Staffing’s Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) click the button below.


Frequently Asked Questions


How do I get paid?

In order for you to be paid on time, we will need two things from you: your timesheet and your direct deposit information (we only need your direct deposit information once). Your timesheet for the week must be received by SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT. There are no exceptions as our third party payroll company has strict deadlines in order to process the information. 

What is direct deposit information?

About Staffing uses a process called EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). Your pay is directly deposited into your bank account. To complete this process, we will need your bank account information, Social Insurance Number, and your date of birth. 

How do I send in my direct deposit information?

To provide your tax or direct deposit information please call us at 403-508-1000 or email info@aboutstaffing.com with your request.

Why didn't I get paid?

Either we are missing your timesheet, or your direct deposit information is incorrect. if you missed the deadline of SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT to send in your information, please make sure we receive all correct information from you by the following Sunday at midnight to ensure you are paid the following pay period. 

Do I get paid for the statutory holiday as a temporary employee?

Please check the Alberta Labour Standards.

How often do I get paid?

About Staffing pays candidates weekly. You will be paid on Friday for the previous week’s work.