How To Keep The Employees You Love

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Let’s Get Started

Understanding Why Great Employees Leave

If you love (disclaimer, not literally, or touchy/feely), or even like your team this is the month (February) to show them you care! But any month works great.

Perhaps you employ people and feel that because you pay them to do a job, that should be enough.

Well, in today’s competitive job market, if you don’t appreciate your team, someone else will.

We hear it all the time, when we headhunt great people, we ask, what will it take for you to attend an interview with one of our clients interested in you?

The answers we get are solid.

Potential candidates either tell us, no interest, I love my job, or they have a list ready to go.

That list usually includes appreciation, opportunity for growth, a better boss/manager, clear expectations, flexibility, more or less responsibility, and/or compensation!

The minimum wage doesn’t cut it with the increasing living wage. Employees have options so you’ll want to ensure your compensation package is fair.

As the boss, if you love your team, assume they are being targeted for other jobs, and treat them as though they are.

You should try to know what’s on their list before someone else asks for it!

If they aren’t being headhunted, great for you, but if they are, be sure you have a fair shot at keeping them by communicating you care.

Making sure you are both on the same page will go a long way if the grass ever starts to look greener on the other side.

Be sure that your team feels like they’ve got the greener grass!

Love Sharlene

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Frequently Asked Questions


What can I do to encourage Employees to stay?

Unfortunately, if an employee has already decided to leave it can be difficult and usually expensive to try to convince them to stay. At this point, you’ll have to evaluate how much value they provided to the company and assess if it’s worth the required investment, good talent often is. There are however ways to encourage employees to stay before they want to leave. 

  1. Allow open communication
  2. Trust your employees and don’t micromanage
  3. Show your appreciation and respect
  4. Give consistent feedback and recognition
  5. Have a career path outlined that shows growth
  6. Offer flexibility for your team
  7. Offer competitive benefits and salaries