How To Keep A Job You Love
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4 Tips To Keep Your Job
In the spirit of the month of love, my question is how does an employee keep the job they love?
Amid mass layoff discussions in the news, and some job loss fear just starting to creep up, it is prime time to offer tips to those who love their jobs!
Tip #1: Communication
Tell your colleagues, your bosses, your friends, and family that you love your job!
Positive discussions can be so influential on those around you when they come from a place of truth.
People are generally more willing to accommodate your situation when they know you have passion behind it as those types of employees can be hard to find.
Tip #2: Don’t Waste Time
Don’t waste your or others time! If you have nothing to do, offer help to your colleagues.
Instead of surfing the web, chatting, or taking unnecessarily long breaks try seeking out where you might be of value when you are having a slower day.
Showing others you can provide value in more than one area is a great way to stand out and let them know you are worth it.
Tip #3: Offer Ideas
Have you ever had an idea you thought could help to save money, add to productivity, or reach new customers and were reluctant to share it?
Don’t worry even if the idea doesn’t end up working out it shows management you care about the company!
Companies like to keep those who care about their success on their team if possible.
Tip #4: Increase Flexibility
If you believe layoffs are imminent, offer to modify your hours or workload. Not everyone can do this but if it’s at all possible it may help carry you through uncertain times.
Finally, if it’s all but official, try to ask for referrals to other similar jobs! You never know where you might find yourself if you ask for help.
What if you don’t love your job? Well, just do the opposite of these 4 tips.
Love Sharlene
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make finding a job easier after a lay-off?
A helpful tip is to lean into your network no matter how big or small it is. Asking for help in finding your next role shouldn’t be something you are scared to do! Also, make sure you utilize all the tools available, such as staffing companies like About Staffing. We are here to help you find a job you love.