What do you do at About Staffing?

As the Recruitment Manager, I like to say I am a professional match maker! I recruit and headhunt for our clients finding their perfect fit for every type of role across Canada. I typically handle our executive, technical and corporate related recruits whilst leading our amazing recruitment team in all other areas.

Additionally, I educate employers, job seekers and the general public about the local job market and hiring practices through media appearances.

What do you like most about working at About Staffing?

Without a doubt, the people, both internally and externally. 

We have the most amazing family within our four walls. We also have loyal clients who I call friends! On top of that, we have candidates who have welcomed me into their lives in ways I never thought possible. I have pictures of candidates’ kids on my desk; I have found mentors; I have become a mentor. I cannot describe what that connection is like when you help someone find their dream job or overcome career confusion; or when you alleviate the stresses of hiring and find that perfect match for a business. There is nothing like it.

What is one skill you are currently working on?

I am all about personal development; I am always looking to learn and grow! I operate with the mentality/goal to be 1% better today than I was yesterday.

What was your first job?

Depends on whether you include child labour haha… My family runs their own business and would bring me along to the warehouse to help with production vs. hiring a babysitter. My first job independent from my family was when I was 14, I worked at a movie theatre. (Great first job for a teen!)

What job interview question do you hate the most?

‘What are some of your weaknesses..’ this question is useless in my opinion; you will never get a genuine answer out of someone. It is more often than not a well-rehearsed spin on a ‘strength.’

What are the best skills you bring to the job?

Empathy. In doing what I do, human connection is the most important skill I can bring to the table. This allows me to connect with my clients, understand their pain points and frustrations in the hiring process.

This also grants me the ability to connect with my candidates, understand their aspirations, hopes, and fears. It is through this empathetic connection I have a better understanding of what both my clients and candidates need; I can then authentically match them up together.

What was your favourite meal growing up?

Still to this day, you can’t go wrong with a big ol’ bowl of pasta!

Favourite local take-out spot?

Alumni sandwiches! I also love me some Vietnamese food, lately, I have been obsessed with the soup at ‘Pho YYC’. As for the vermicelli (Bun); I love ‘BánhMì SUB’. They do great Viet subs, and always a phenomenal bun.

About Cristina

Recruitment Manager

Registered Professional Recruiter (RPR)

AKA Leader of the Rockstar Wranglers

As a Recruitment Manager for About Staffing, Cristina is responsible for scouting out not only the right talent for every position that comes across her desk, but the right personality, working style, and cultural fit. She does so by going above and beyond matching a resume to a job description; instead aligning the person to the organization. From entry-level administrative roles to senior-level executives, Cristina handles it all and thrives on finding that perfect new hire for all our corporate clients. She interviews, screens, vets, and tests every candidate to find the exceptional ones a forever home with a fitting company. Cristina has proven her ability to do so over and over, backed by a strong track record of placing extraordinary candidates with our amazing clients.

Italian or Mexican Food

This one is hard!

I love mexican cuisine, BUT pasta… you cannot go wrong.




Italian… Final answer.

Netflix or YouTube?

Netflix… “Are you still there?”

Phone call or Text?

Either or. It depends… on the person, the conversation, what I am doing, etc. Nevertheless, I am a horrible texter. I may or may not respond to you 3 days later.